March 18, 2007

I tunes (India tunes) Discovering Music

m tunes (india tunes) Discovering Music

This site will help you to listen and rate good and melidious song ,There are so many music and songs coming out weekly in Bollywood , Pop artists , Single's , Pakistan Pop singer , English Hits and Remixes ,This year only 160 CD's have been released in India to be updated with the best music and songs is my hobby wanted to pass this advantage to the music lovers The idea for this site is to discover the latest music Dhoon of India .

The name itunes India Tunes has come from the number of most played count ability in itunes software , Why depend on rADIO DJ to decide what you want to hear have a idea of collection from this site.Also Top 10 songs of week will be updated

This is an non-profitable initiative , Please spread the word about this site.

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